Government of Odisha | ଓଡ଼ିଶା ସରକାର
Home / Institutional Awards (For Secondary Schools)

  • At the state level, the top 03 districts will be awarded a cash incentive of ₹3,00,00,000 for 1st rank, ₹2,00,00,000 for 2nd rank & ₹1,00,00,000 for 3rd rank.
  • The award will be given to the District Collectors based on the performance of the districts as per the District Award rubric.
  • The award money will be incurred towards the overall development of the schools of the concerned district.

Eligibility criteria

  • All districts are eligible for this award.

Procedure for Selection of Districts for the District Award

  • Name of the activities to be certified by the Collector-cum-DM .
  • Physical verification by the SLC.
  • Application for the District Award is to be filled up online by the concerned District Collector.
  • The District Collector-cum-DM will submit the filled application along with the certified documents to Mo School.
  • Mo School will place the list before the State Level Committee for verification .
  • The State Level Committee will verify and select the top 3 best performing districts for felicitation at the state level.
  • Any wrong information given while filling up the form for District Award will result in disqualification of nomination.

  • At the state level, the top 10 blocks will be awarded with a cash incentive of ₹50,00,000 for each.
  • The award will be given to the Block Development Officers based on the performance of blocks.
  • The award money will be incurred towards the overall development of the schools of concerned blocks.

Eligibility criteria

  • All blocks are eligible for this award.

Procedure for Selection of Blocks for the Block Award.

  • The BDO applying for the State Award will fill up the online application form.
  • The BDO will submit the filled in online application form along with the certified documents to the DIETs for placing the list before the District Level Committee.
  • The DIET will scrutinise the data related to the performance of each block based on the rubrics filled up by them.
  • The supporting documents for different sub-components of the Block Award should be uploaded along with the application. It should be attested by the concerned BDO of the block. Hard copies of these documents must be preserved for physical document verification by DIET.
  • The DIET of the district will place the list before DLC for the nomination of one block from each district.
  • Post approval the DIETs shall share the list with Mo School which will place the list before the state level committee for approval.
  • The state level committee will verify & recommend the name of 10 blocks for felicitation at the state level.
  • Any wrong information provided while filling up the form will result in the disqualification of the application.

  • At state level top 10 schools will be awarded with a cash incentive of ₹10,00,000 each.
  • At district level 90 Schools (on pro rata basis) shall be awarded with a cash incentive of ₹5,00,000 each.
  • At block level 942 schools (top three schools of each block) and 15 schools (top three schools of each Municipal Corporation) shall be awarded with a cash incentive of ₹3,00,000 each.
  • The award money will be incurred towards overall development of school & professional development of teachers/HMs.

Eligibility criteria

  • All government and government aided secondary schools under the ambit of HST are eligible.

Procedure for Selection of Secondary Schools for the Secondary School Award

The secondary schools will be awarded at the state, district & block level based on secondary school rubrics as follows.

  • Infrastructure: weightage 30%
  • Academic Performance: weightage 30%
  • Community Engagement and Participation: weightage 20%
  • Extra-curricular Activities: weightage 20%
  • Application for the School Award to be filled up online by the concerned HM/In-charge HM.
  • The Block Level Committee will verify the concerned schools within their jurisdiction as per the filled in application of the school and submit the top performing 5 schools from each block/Municipal Corporation to the DIET of the concerned district.
  • The DIET will verify the schools submitted by the block/ Municipal Corporation and place the award list (selected as per secondary school rubric) before DLC. Post approval of DLC, the DIET will submit the list of schools (to be awarded) to Mo School.
  • Mo School will segregate the School Award list for state & district. The top 10 schools as per the secondary school rubric award will be verified and placed before the State Level Committee for approval. Post approval, selected schools will receive the awards at state level in the felicitation ceremony of Mo School.
  • After segregation of top 10 school awards for the state, Mo School will send the district-wise list of 90 schools to the DIETs of all the districts.
  • After receiving the district-wise list of schools, concerned DIET of the district will send the list to the DEO to felicitate schools at district level.
  • The DIET will prepare the list of top three schools per block/ Municipal Corporation selected as per the secondary school rubric. (The list will exclude the list of top 10 schools of the state and 90 for the district award)
  • After selection of list of schools per block/ Municipal Corporation, DIET will send it to the BEOs for felicitation at block level.
  • Any wrong information given while filling up the form for secondary school rubrics will result in disqualification of the school for the award and enquiry will be initiated.

Under stakeholder approach, the functions of School Management Committee involve:

  • Monitor the overall functioning of the school
  • Prepare and recommend School Development Plan.
  • Monitor the utilization of the grants received from government or local authority or FROM any other source.

For the proactive SMCs, Mukhyamantri Shikhya Puraskar envisages to identify and felicitate the exemplary works for holistic development of education in school atmosphere. SMCs will be awarded based on secondary school award rubric and it will be awarded at the state level, district level and block level.

  • At the state level the top 10 SMCs will be awarded with cash incentive of ₹1,00,000/- each.
  • At the district level 90 SMCs (on a pro-rata basis) will be awarded with a cash incentive of ₹50,000/- each.
  • At the block level 314 SMCs (Top SMC of each block) & at the Municipal Corporation level 05 SMCs (Top SMC of each MCs) will be awarded with a cash incentive of ₹ 30,000/- each.
  • The award money will be incurred towards overall development of the concerned school.

Eligibility Criteria

  • All SMCs are eligible for this award.

Procedure for Selection of SMC for SMC Award

  • Wherever, the secondary school HMs/In-charge HMs will receive the HM Award, the SMC of those particular schools will receive the award at state/district/block/MC level.
  • The procedure for selection of HM Award will be applicable for the selection of SMC awards.

  • At the state level the top 10 Mo School Alumni Committees will be awarded with a cash incentive of ₹1,00,000/- each.
  • At the district level 90 Mo School Alumni Committees (on Pro rata basis) shall be awarded with a cash incentive of ₹50,000/- each.
  • At the block level 314 Alumni Committees (Best Alumni Committee of each block) & 05 Alumni Committees (Best Alumni Committee of each Municipal Corporation) shall be awarded with a cash incentive of ₹30,000/- each.
  • The award money will be incurred towards overall development of the concerned schools.

Eligibility criteria

  • All Mo School Alumni Committees are eligible for this award.

Procedure for Selection of Alumni Committee Award

  • The HMs/In-charge HMs will initiate and facilitate the alumni committees for filling up of the online application for Best Alumni Committee Award. The concerned BEO needs to ensure its smooth conduct.
  • The DIET of the district will verify the authenticity of data and place the list before DLC for selection of 02 alumni committees per block/MC level.
  • Post approval the DIETs shall submit the list to Mo school.
  • Mo School will segregate the award list for state & districts. The top 10 alumni committees as per the Best Alumni Committee Award rubric will be placed before SLC for approval and shall be awarded post approval.
  • Mo School will send the district-wise list of 90 best alumni committees to the DIETs of all districts post approval.
  • After receiving the district-wise list, concerned DIETs of the districts shall place it before DLC for approval and send the approved list to the DEOs for felicitation of Best Alumni Committees at district level.
  • The DIET of the district will also prepare the list of one best alumni committee of a block/MC selected as per the Best Alumni Committee Award rubric (The list will exclude top 10 committees of the state and 90 committees of the district) and send the list to the concerned BEO.
  • The BEOs shall place the list before BLC for approval.
  • Post approval, the BEOs shall award the winners at Block/MC level.
  • Any wrong information provided while filling up the form for Best Alumni Committee Award will result in disqualification of the application.

  • At the state level the top 10 Gram Panchayats will be awarded with a cash incentive of ₹10,00,000/- each. At the district level 90 Gram Panchayats (on a pro-rata basis) shall be awarded with a cash incentive of ₹5,00,000/- each.
  • At the block level 314 Gram Panchayats (Best performing GP of each block) will be awarded with a cash incentive of ₹ 1,00,000/- each.
  • The award money will be incurred towards the overall development of the schools in the concerned Panchayat.

Eligibility criteria

  • All Gram Panchayats are eligible for this award.

Procedure for Selection of Gram Panchayat for Gram Panchayat Award

  • The CRCCs will initiate and facilitate the PEO for filling up of the online application for Gram Panchayat Award. The BEO will supervise the process.
  • The BDO & BEO of the concerned block will jointly verify the rubrics as per the filled in application as per the Gram panchayat rubric and forward it to the concerned DIETs.
  • The DIET of the district will place the Gram Panchayat Award list (selected as per the rubric) before the DLC for selection of 02 Gram panchayats per block.
  • Post approval of DLC, the DIET will submit the list of GPs (to be awarded) to Mo School.
  • Mo School will segregate the list for state & district level awards and place it before the SLC for approval. The Top 10 Gram Panchayats as per the Gram Panchayat rubric will receive the awards at the state level in the felicitation ceremony by Mo School.
  • After segregation of top 10 Gram Panchayat Awards for the state, Mo School will send the district-wise list of 90 Gram Panchayats to the DIETs of all districts which will place it before DLC for approval.
  • Post approval the concerned DIET of the district will send the list to the DEO to felicitate the Gram Panchayats at district level.
  • The DIET of the district will further prepare the list of one Gram Panchayat per block selected as per the rubric (The list will exclude the list of top 10 Gram Panchayats of the state and 90 for the district) and send it to the concerned BEOs.
  • The BEOs shall place the list before BLC for approval.
  • Post approval the BEOs shall felicitate the winners at block level.
  • Any wrong information provided while filling up the form for Gram Panchayat Award will result in disqualification of the application.

  • At the state level, the top 50 elementary schools will be awarded with a cash incentive of ₹5,00,000 each.
  • At the district level, 300 elementary schools (on a pro-rata basis) will be awarded with a cash incentive of ₹3,00,000 each.
  • At the block level, 942 elementary schools (top three schools of each block) & at Municipal Corporation level, 15 elementary school (top three schools of each MC) will be awarded with a cash incentive of ₹1,00,000 each.
  • The award money will be incurred towards overall development of the concerned school & professional development of teachers/head teacher.

Eligibility criteria

  • All government and government aided elementary schools of Odisha are eligible.

Procedure for Selection of Elementary Schools for the Elementary School Award

  • The data related to school will be filled up online by the Individual HM/In- charge HM applying for the School Award.
  • The DIET will verify the inputs and place the list before DLC for selection of 05 schools per block/MC.
  • Post approval of DLC, the DIET will submit the list to Mo School.
  • Mo School will segregate the list of awards for state & districts. The list of the top 50 elementary schools will be placed before SLC for approval and post approval, the elementary school shall receive the award at the state level.
  • After excluding the top 50 schools selected for the state award, Mo School will send the district-wise list of 300 schools to the DIETs of all the districts.
  • The concerned DIET of the district will place the list before DLC for approval and post approval shall send the winner list to the DEOs to felicitate schools at the district level.
  • The DIET will prepare the list of three top elementary schools per block/MC by following elementary school rubric (The list will exclude the list of top 50 elementary schools of the state and 300 of the district) and share it with the respective BEOs.
  • The BEOs shall place the list before BLC for approval and post approval shall felicitate the winners at the block level.
  • Any wrong information provided while filling up the form for Elementary School Award will result in disqualification of the school for the award.

  • At the state level the top 03 DIETs will be awarded with a cash incentive of ₹10,00,000/- each.
  • The award will be given to the principal, DIET based on the performance in the DIET rubric.
  • The award money will be incurred towards overall development of the DIETs & professional development of principal & teacher educators of the DIETs.

Eligibility criteria

  • All DIETs are eligible for this award.

Procedure for Selection of DIETs for the DIET Award

  • Application for the DIET Award to be filled up online by the concerned principals/In-charge principals of individual DIETs applying for the state award.
  • The DIETs will submit the filled in online application along with certified documents to Mo School for placing the list before the SLC.
  • Mo School will place the list before SLC for verification.
  • The State Level Committee will verify the data provided and select the best performing 3 DIETs for felicitation at state level.
  • Any wrong information provided while filling up the form for DIET Award will result in disqualification of the application.