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Home / Individual Awards (For Secondary Schools)

Student Academic Award
Student Academic Award: To motivate individual students, Student Academic Award envisages felicitating students at the state, district & block level based on their academic performance in 10th board result (BSE).
  • At the state level, it aims to felicitate top 100 students of the state as per the 10th Board results for the current academic year. The students will be rewarded with a sum of ₹50,000 each.
  • At the district level, it aims to felicitate top 3000 students of schools covered under HST programme (on pro rata basis) and reward them with ₹10,000 each. The allocation of awards per district will follow a pro rata basis of calculation based on the no. of secondary schools present in the district.
  • At the block level, it aims to recognize and reward top 100 students of each block with reward money of ₹5,000 each. For each award, the award money will be deposited in the bank account of the student.

Eligibility Criteria for Student Awards

  • All students of government and government aided secondary schools covered under HST who have completed their 10th board examination are eligible for that same academic year.

Procedure for Selection of Top 100 Students of the State

  • Mo School to collect the list of top 100 students from the BSE within one week of publication of the board result.
  • Mo School will place the list before the State Level Committee for approval.

Procedure for Selection of Top 3000 Students of the District Level (Pro rata)

  • Mo School will collect the list of top 3000 students (excluding the top 100 students selected for state level award) within one week of publication of board result. The students will be selected on pro rata basis.
  • Mo School will send the list to the respective DIETs.
  • The DIET will place the district-wise list before the DLC for approval.
  • Post approval of DLC, the DIET will submit the final list to the DEO of the concerned district.
  • The DEO will organize the district level function for felicitation of the students at the district level.

Procedure for Selection of Top 100 Students for each Block

  • Mo School will collect the list of top 31400 students (excluding top 100 students selected for the state award & 3000 students selected for the district award) within one week of publication of board result.
  • For each district, Mo School will segregate the block-wise list of top 100 students and send it to the respective DIETs.
  • The DIET will place the block-wise list before the DLC for approval.
  • Post approval of the DLC, the DIETs will submit the final list to the BEOs of the concerned district.
  • The BEOs will organize the block level function for felicitation of the students at the block level.
Students Leadership Award
  • It aims to identify one male and one female student from each secondary school that comes under the ambit of HST programme based on the Student Leadership Award rubrics. (8311 male & 8807 female)
  • From the Co-education Secondary School: One male and one female student will be awarded
  • From Secondary School (only girls): One female student will be selected
  • From Secondary School (only boys): One male student will be selected
  • Selected students will be rewarded with a cash incentive of ₹3000 each.

Eligibility criteria: for Students Awards

  • All students of government and government aided secondary schools covered under the HST programme and who have completed their 10th board examination in the given year are eligible for that year.

Procedure for Selection of Students Leadership Award

  • Based on overall leadership skills of the student in the school, the HM will select a boy and a girl from each co-ed school/ a girl from only girls' school/ a boy from only boys' school from their respective school taking reference to the leadership rubric.
  • The HM will then submit the selected list to the BEOs.
  • The BEOs will place the list before BLC for approval.
  • The BEOs will organize the block level function for the felicitation of the students.
Student Merit-cum-Scholarship Award

It aims to award 2000 best performing students in the 10th board exam (from economically weaker sections of the society) based on the NFSA/SFSA list. They will be rewarded with a sum of ₹50,000 each towards pursuing their interests in higher education.

  • The students will be selected as per the merit list of board results.
  • The meritorious students will be selected for receiving awards as per the NFSA/SFSA list.

Eligibility Criteria: for Students Awards

  • All students of government and government aided secondary schools covered under HST who have completed their 10th board examination in the given year are eligible for that year.

Procedure for Selection of Student Merit-cum-Scholarship Award

  • Mo School will collect the list of the top 2200 students in the board result from BSE within one week of publication of the board results.
  • Same list will be communicated to the concerned HMs for the selection of students eligible under NFSA/SFSA criteria and verification of NFSA/SFSA card of the family of the students.
  • After verification, the HM of the concerned school will send the list to Mo School.
  • Mo School will place the list before the State Level Committee for approval.
  • Top 2000 students at the state level will receive Student Merit-cum- Scholarship Award.

The Mukhyamantri Shikhya Puraskar aims to reward the teachers going beyond their assigned line of duty to help students in achieving their dreams and towards improving the quality of education.

At the state level, it aims to felicitate the top 70 teachers of HST schools (10 from each of the 07 subjects i.e. 1st language, 2nd language, 3rd language, General Science, Social Science, Mathematics and Physical Education) of the state as per the secondary school teachers' rubric. They will be rewarded with a sum of ₹40,000 each. The award money will be deposited in the bank account of the teachers.

At the district level, it aims to felicitate the top 630 teachers of HST schools (on Pro- rata basis). The objective of this award is to identify the top performing teachers (PE teachers shall be judged as per the PET rubric) of each district as per the teachers' rubric and reward them with a cash prize of ₹25,000 each. The award money will be deposited in the bank account of the teachers.

Eligibility criteria

  • All teachers of government and government aided secondary schools under the ambit of HST are eligible
  • A teacher must be stationed in the same school for at least one academic year (before the declaration of result) from which he/she is applying for the Teacher Award.
  • Educational administrators, District Science Supervisors and the staff of training institutes, HMs are not eligible for this award.
  • Guest teachers or vocational trainers are not eligible.
  • In case the concerned teacher has been punished for official misconduct in a departmental proceeding or convicted in a vigilance case or if any departmental proceeding or vigilance case is pending against him/her, he/she shall not be eligible for the award.

Procedure for Selection of Teachers for Secondary School Teacher Award

  • The data related to teachers will be filled online by the individual teachers applying for the Teachers Award.
  • Physical education teachers are to be selected based on PET Rubric and the selection procedure is the same as the other subject teachers.
  • The HM or In-Charge HM will scrutinise the data of teacher's performance based on student academic results/performance as per Board of Secondary Education (BSE) data and will submit the verified inputs to the DIET of the concerned district.
  • The supporting documents for different sub-components of Teacher Award like innovation in teaching, achievements of students in extracurricular activities, performance of students in sports events etc should be uploaded/attached in the application. It should be self- attested by the teachers and counter signed by respective HMs or In- Charge HMs. Hard copies of these documents must be preserved for the physical verification by DIET.
  • Each DIET shall generate a list of top 10 teachers from each subject i.e 70 teachers (including PE teachers) after verification of authenticity of entries and will place it before DLC for approval of tentative list of winners of Teachers award.
  • Post approval, DIET will submit the list of teachers (to be awarded) to Mo School.
  • Mo School will segregate the list of teachers for state & district levels and will submit the list of the top 70 teachers before SLC for approval of awardees at state level.
  • After segregation of top 70 teachers' award for the state, Mo School will send the district wise list of 630 teachers to the DIETs of all districts. DIET will place the list to the DLC for approval.
  • Post approval DIET will send the list to the respective DEOs to felicitate teachers at the district level.
  • No correction shall be allowed after the final submission. If there is any query regarding filling up of the application, teachers should clarify it with the HM and/or Principal, DIET before the final submission.
  • Any wrong information given while filling up the form will result in the disqualification of the teacher for the award.

As a managing supervisor of the school, the HM will provide leadership and vision to all the stakeholders. He/she is responsible for providing a safe and peaceful environment to aware and educate the future generations of the state and the nation. The Mukhyamantri Sikhya Puraskar aims to reward and recognize the contributions of the Head Teachers of the schools for their continued good work towards delivering quality education.

  • At the state level, the top 10 HMs will be awarded with a cash incentive of ₹50,000/- each.
  • At the district level, 90 HMs (on a pro-rata basis) shall be awarded with cash incentive of ₹40,000/- each.
  • At the block level, 314 HMs (Best performing HM from each block) & at the Municipal Corporation level, 05 HMs (Best performing HM from each MC) shall be awarded a cash incentive of ₹25,000/- each. For each award, the reward money will be deposited in the bank account of the HM of the concerned school.

Eligibility criteria

  • All HMs of government and government aided secondary schools under the ambit of HST are eligible for this award.
  • HMs in-charge are also eligible to apply for this award.
  • The HM/In-charge HM must be stationed in the same school for at least one academic year before declaration of the result from which he/she is applying for the HM Award.
  • In case the concerned HM/In-charge HM has been punished for an official misconduct in a departmental proceeding or convicted in a vigilance case or if any departmental proceeding or vigilance case is pending against him/her, he/she shall not be eligible for the award.

Procedure for Selection of HMs for Secondary School HMs Award

  • The DIET of each district will submit the HM award list (calculated as per the secondary school rubric) to Mo School.
  • Mo School will segregate the HMs award list for State & District. The top 10 HMs/In-charge HMs as per the secondary school rubric award will receive the awards at the state level in the felicitation ceremony by Mo School.
  • After segregation of top 10 HMs/In-charge HMs award for the state, Mo School will place it in front of SLC.
  • Post approval Mo School will send the district wise list of 90 HMs/In- charge HMs to the DIETs of all the districts who will place it before DLC for approval.
  • DIET will send the list to the DEO to felicitate the HMs/In-charge HMs at the district level.
  • The DIET of the district will prepare the list of one HM/in-charge HM per Block/MC calculated as per the secondary school rubric and share it with BEOs.
  • The BEOs will place it before BLC for approval (The list will exclude the list of top 10 HMs/In-Charge HMs of the state and 90 for the district.).
  • Post approval, the BEOs shall proceed with the approved list for felicitation at block level.
  • Any wrong information given while filling up the form for secondary school rubric will result in disqualification of the HM/In-Charge HM for the award.

At sub-division level, 58 CRCCs (Best performing CRCC of each sub-division) shall be awarded with a cash incentive of ₹20,000/-. The award money will be deposited in the bank account of the concerned CRCCs.

Eligibility criteria

  • All CRCCs are eligible to apply for this award.
  • The CRCCs must be stationed in a cluster for at least one academic year from which he/she is applying for the CRCC Award.
  • In case the concerned CRCC has been punished for an official misconduct in a departmental proceeding or convicted in a vigilance case or if any departmental proceeding or vigilance case is pending against him/her, he/she shall not be eligible for the award.

Procedure for Selection of CRCCs for the CRCC Award.

  • The data related to CRCCs will be filled online in the Application by the Individual CRCCs applying for the CRCC Award.
  • The DIET will scrutinise the data related to CRCCs performance based on rubrics filled up by the CRCCs.
  • The supporting documents for different sub-components of CRCC Award like innovation components, Administrative components, development of school complex & academic components should be uploaded/attached in the application. It should be self-attested by the concerned CRCC. Hard copies of these documents must be preserved and may be required to be produced during physical verification by DIET.
  • The DIET of each district will place the CRCC award list (calculated as per the CRCC rubric) before the District Level Committee for the selection of awardees.
  • After receiving the sub-division list of CRCC, the concerned DIET of the district will send the list to the DEO for felicitation of the CRCC at the district level.
  • No correction shall be allowed after the final submission. If there is any query regarding filling up of the application, the CRCC should clarify it with the principal, DIET before final submission.
  • Any wrong information given while filling up the form will result in disqualification of the CRCC for the award.

At the state level, the best performing 10 BEOs shall be awarded ₹60,000/- cash. The award money will be incurred towards the professional development of the BEOs.

Eligibility criteria

  • All BEOs are eligible to apply for this award.
  • The BEOs must be stationed at least one academic year in the concerned block from which he/she is applying for the BEO Award.
  • In case the concerned BEO has been punished for an official misconduct in a departmental proceeding or convicted in a vigilance case or if any departmental proceeding or vigilance case is pending against him/her, he/she shall not be eligible for the award.

Procedure for Selection of BEOs for the BEO Award

  • The data relating to BEOs will be filled online in the application by the individual BEOs applying for the BEO Award.
  • The DIET will scrutinise the data related to BEO's performance based on the rubrics filled up by the BEOs.
  • The supporting documents for different sub-components of BEO Award such as innovation components, administrative components, development of school complex & academic components should be uploaded/attached in the application. It should be self-attested. Hard copies of these documents must be preserved and may be required to be produced during physical verification by DIET.
  • The DIET of the district will place best BEO from each district (calculated as per the rubric) before the District Level Committee and post approval of the DLC, the DIET will submit the list to Mo School.
  • Mo School will prepare the list of top 10 BEOs of the state after receiving the list from DIETs and the same will be placed at the State Level Committee for approval.
  • Post approval, top 10 BEOs shall be awarded at the state level.
  • No correction shall be allowed after the final submission. If there is any query regarding filling up of the application, the BEO should clarify it with the Principal, DIET before the final submission.
  • Any wrong information given while filling up the form will result in disqualification of the BEO for the award.

At the state level, top 03 DEOs shall be awarded ₹75,000/-. The award money will be incurred towards professional development of the DEOs.

Eligibility Criteria

  • All DEOs are eligible to apply for this award.
  • The DEOs must be stationed in the concerned district for at least one academic year for which he/she is applying for the DEO Award.
  • In case the concerned DEO has been punished for official misconduct in a departmental proceeding or convicted in a vigilance case or if any departmental proceeding or vigilance case is pending against him/her, he/she shall not be eligible for the award.

Procedure for Selection of DEOs for the DEO Award

  • The application for the DEO Award is to be filled up online by the concerned DEOs.
  • A committee under the chairpersonship of the Director, of Secondary Education will scrutinise the data provided by the DEOs based on the rubrics.
  • The supporting documents for different sub-components of the DEO Award such as innovation components, administrative components, development of school complex & academic components should be uploaded/attached to the application form. It should be self-attested. Hard copies of these documents must be preserved for physical verification to be conducted by the committee.
  • The committee will place the DEO award list (calculated as per the rubric) before the State Level Committee for approval.
  • Post approval, the top 03 DEOs will be awarded at the state level
  • No correction shall be allowed after the final submission.
  • Any wrong information given while filling up the form will result in disqualification of the application.

  • At the state level, the top 50 elementary school HMs will be awarded with a cash incentive of ₹25,000/- each.
  • At the district level 300 elementary school HMs (on a pro-rata basis) shall be awarded with a cash incentive of ₹25,000/- each.
  • The award money will be deposited in the bank account of the HMs of the concerned schools.

Eligibility criteria

  • All HMs of government and government aided elementary schools are eligible for this award.
  • HMs in-charge are also eligible to apply for this award.
  • The HM/In-charge HM must be stationed in the same school for at least one academic year (before declaration of result) from which he/she is applying for the HM Award.
  • In case the concerned HM/In-charge HM has been punished for an official misconduct in a departmental proceeding or convicted in a vigilance case or if any departmental proceeding or vigilance case is pending against him/her, he/she shall not be eligible for the award.

Procedure for Selection of HMs for Elementary School HM Award

  • The elementary schools which will be awarded at the state & district level, the HMs/In-charge HMs of those schools will receive the HM Award.
  • At state level 50 HMs will be awarded.
  • At district level, 300 HMs will be awarded.
  • The DIET of the district will place the elementary school HM award list (selected as per the elementary school rubric) before the District Level Committee for selection of 20 schools per district and post approval of DLC, the DIET will submit the list to Mo School.
  • Mo School will segregate the list for state & district. Post approval of SLC, top 50 HMs/In-charge HMs (selected as per the Secondary School Teacher Award rubric) will receive the awards at Mo School's felicitation ceremony.
  • After segregation of top 50 HMs/In-charge HMs list for the state, Mo School will place the list before SLC for approval.
  • Post SLC's approval the Mo School will send the district-wise list of 300 HMs/in-charge HMs to the DIETs of all the districts.
  • The concerned DIET of the district will place the list before DLC for approval.
  • Post approval the DIETs will send the list to the DEOs for felicitation at district level.
  • Any wrong information provided while filling up the form for Elementary School HM Award will result in disqualification of the application.

The Mukhyamantri Shikhya Puraskar aims to reward the teachers going beyond their assigned line of duty to help students achieve their dreams and working towards the greater cause of strengthening school education. At the block level, 314 elementary teachers (one from each block) & at the Municipal Corporation level, 05 elementary teachers (one from each Municipal Corporations) will be awarded with a cash incentive of ₹25,000/- each. The award money will be deposited in the bank account of the concerned teachers.

Eligibility criteria

  • All the teachers of government and government aided elementary schools are eligible.
  • A teacher must be stationed in the same school for at least one academic year (before declaration of result) from which he/she is applying for the Teachers Award.
  • Educational administrators, staff of training institutes and HMs are not eligible for this award.
  • Guest Teachers, PET & vocational trainers are not eligible.
  • In case the concerned teacher has been punished for an official misconduct in a departmental proceeding or convicted in a vigilance case or if any departmental proceeding or vigilance case is pending against him/her, he/she shall not be eligible for the award.

Procedure for Selection of Teachers for Elementary School Teacher Award

  • The data related to the teachers will be filled up online by the individual teachers applying for the Teacher Award.
  • The HM/In-charge HM will scrutinise the data of teacher's performance based on elementary teacher rubric and submit the list to the BEO of the concerned block.
  • The BEO will verify the inputs and submit the list before BLC for approval.
  • The supporting documents for different sub-components of Elementary Teacher Award such as innovation in teaching, achievements of students in extracurricular activities etc should be uploaded along with the application. It should be attested by the teacher who is applying for the award as well as their respective HMs/In-charge HMs. Hard copies of these documents must be preserved for further physical verification by the BEO/DIET.
  • Post approval the BEOs will award the winners at block/MC level.
  • No correction shall be allowed after the final submission. If there is any query regarding filling up of the application, the teachers shall clarify it with the HM/BEO/Principal, DIET before final submission.
  • Any wrong information provided while filling up the form will result in disqualification of the application.